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updated 29.05.09 23:45
27.05.09 20:19   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   NewCapital hype for .ru items
 I'm about to tell you about the plain unvarnished truth about the hype in NewCapital when it comes to .ru items.(ru items = items from other cities than NewCapital)

The economical term is - Supply and Demand.
Quite easy actually, the idea is to have something a lot of people wants and just a few people are offering.

For instance: Gorgeous girls.
Everyone wants them but there aint too many of them available, thats why people like Bill Gates can have a wife like he has.

Back to the subject:
In NewCapital we are blessed with a lvl8 set, Smashing Set, thats it - no other lvl8 items and absolutely no lvl9 or lvl10 items.
Sounds quite boring don't you think? So everyone is trying to personify their set in any way possible, the most common way is to use lowlevel items found in the caves or in the shop. But what everyone really wants is some other lvl8 or lvl9 items as complement to the Smashing.
We have some lvl8 items from other towns, brought to NewCapital back in the days.
Out of those items I can metion a few:
Genious Wristbands http://capitalcity.combats.com/encicl/object/naruchi82.html
Sunset Helmet http://capitalcity.combats.com/encicl/object/helmet59.html
Spiked Shoes of Sunset http://capitalcity.combats.com/encicl/object/boots13.html
Just to mention a few.

Now the funny part is the price.
From what I learnt you can buy NewCapital items in a special "EuroCredit Shop" now we dont have any shop like this so we get to rely on buying stuff from eachother for insane prices.
Sunset Helmet for the bargain of 100 ECR
the price changed and it's now for sale for 10 000 cr instead. :)))))

Sneaky Paladin

I wrote an suggestion for quite some time ago that the easiest way to improve the profit in NewCapital would be to to create a similar ECR shop in NC aswell - untill that happens - we will see prices like this becoming more and more common so you better start loving that Smashing Set of yours :)

Mood: хитрое 
Music: Leonard Cohen - The Guests
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06.05.09 00:19   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Comenius 2009     pinned  en
 Many of you don't know, but last week I was in Germany working on an international project. This project gave me a unique chance to work shoulder to shoulder with students from Latvia, Italy Turkey, Germany and UK. This year we were working on an internet book. You can call it e-book as well.

The project itself included creative writing, drama, games and art. The subject of our project is called "Moving Borders". It's like removing the existing barriers between people in different countries. About 40 people from the mentioned countries worked for one product and after successful work presented it to pupils in Pinnenberg/Germany. I want to say that it was much of fun we had there as well as work we did. This experience helped me to learn about different cultures, practice my English. It gave us chance to work individually and in groups. At the moment our product is not available for public view, but when it's available I will definitely show it to you all.

So, here are the videos our drama group made:

The first video is about an exchange student from Italy............................. The second shows us relationship between good teacher - good students, bad teacher- bad students.

Mood: рабочее 
Music: Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil Wayne - Let it Rock
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updated 04.02.09 18:04
04.02.09 18:02   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Where the hell is Matt?
 Matthew Harding провел 14 месяцев, посещая 42 страны, чтобы произвести, "Where the Hell is Matt?", видео четырех с половиной минут, показывающее Harding (и кто - либо еще, он мог втянуть в это), выполнение невероятно глупого, высокоэнергетического танца в части самого захватывающего дух пейзажа во всем мире. Это может быть лучшими четырьмя минутами и двадцатью восьмью секундами Вашей недели.

Matthew Harding spent 14 months visiting 42 countries in order to produce "Where the Hell is Matt?", a four-and-a-half minute video featuring Harding (and anyone else he could rope into it) doing an incredibly silly, high-energy dance in some of the most breathtaking scenery around the world. This may be the best four minutes and twenty-eight seconds of your week.

Thanks to Soul-Survivor for translations!

Mood: замечательное 
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25.01.09 20:23   |  Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery |   Only for HIM  en
 I love you!

Mood: романтичное 
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12.01.09 00:29   |  Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery |   Don`t you just love it? :D  en

Mood: смешное 
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updated 10.01.09 18:15
10.01.09 18:02   |  Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery |   Do you believe in democracy?
 I don`t and I never did, because while there is power there will always be control and while there will be control there will be no freedom. Today morning Last Samurai [] was watching "Zeitgeist" and advised it to me too. I have watched it and I find it worthwhile to watch. The only thing should be mentioned - there is no absolute truth, take this film critically.

What "Zeitgeist" means? "Zeitgeist is a German language expression literally translated: Zeit, time; Geist, spirit, meaning "the spirit of the age and its society". The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate, ambiance and moral of an era or also a trend. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events." (c) Wikipedia

The film is about modern society, religion, politics and connections between them. ATTENTION: it is 2 hours long.

Mood: задумчивое 
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30.12.08 18:36   |  Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery |   Donald, where`s your trousers? :)  ru

Mood: хитрое 
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12.12.08 00:21   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   On the first day of Christmas my true love...  en
 Christmas time is quiet and religic time. For some people it's religious holiday, for some people it's a family holiday, some people celebrate it together with friends, but how is it with you?

For me it's a family holiday. I'm not religious and I don't go to church, but it's a great chance to spend more time with the closet people and relatives. We usually have a great dinner, watch some Christmas movies and of course the presents. Also the mulled wine, it's nice. New Year is for friends, so that's when I usually get drunk.

How do you celebrate Christmas and what does Christmas mean to you? :o

Mood: счастливое 
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09.11.08 00:41   |  Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery |   What was the point?  ru
 Time has passed and now I can see that nobody in our city really needed scrolls. What was it all about?

I believe it is the same as the following situation: little child gets new toy - the one he wanted or surprise one (it doesn`t really matter) and he is so happy, he plays with it all the time, goes to bed with his toy and is very protective of it. But it is only for a short period of time! After some days he is tired of his new toy and forgets about it.

And now I am asking you - what if scrolls is kind of a check for us? To see if we really need updates? If we can use them? What`s if we`d get updates we want, but after some time we won`t use them at all - if they would become the same "old new toy" for us? Do we really need updates?

Mood: разговорчивое 
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updated 10.01.10 00:33
11.10.08 18:13   |  Mac Crash Open user info Open user photogallery |   Счастливой годовщины, моя любимая

Of a' the airts the wind can blaw,
I dearly like the east,
For there the bonie lassie lives,
The lassie I lo've best:
There's wild woods grow, and rivers row,
And mony a hill between;
But day and night my fancy's flight
Is ever wi' my Jena.

I see her in the dewy flowers,
I see her sweet and fair:
I hear her in the tunefu' birds,
I hear her charm the air:
There's not a bonie flower that springs
By fountain, shaw, or green,
There's not a bonie bird that sings,
But minds me o' my Jena.

Modified from the original by Rabbie Burns

Dedicated to my darling sweetheart on our wedding anniversary.
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